The first Drone Project for the Raspberry Pico

Most Arduino based Drone projects are optimized for AVR processors by writing directly to registers and use other AVR specific functionality (e.g. timers interrupts). The multiwii project is a good example of this and it would take quite some effort to convert it to be compatible with the Pico, because this logic is distributed all over the place. I “adopted” the CodeDroneDIY project because I only needed to replace the MotorsSpeedControl.cpp with a implementation which Read more…

WIFI and Bluetooth for the Rasperry Pico

I am quite enthusiastic about the new Raspberry Pico. However I find the C SDK not very friendly and I prefer to have something as simple as the Arduino API. I did not want to wait for the official Arduino support – so I started my own project. The major weak spot of the Pico compared to the ESP32 is the missing Wifi and Bluetooth functionality. I finally managed to add examples for the HC05 Read more…

Rasperry Pico SPI with the SdFat Library

I am quite enthusiastic about the new Raspberry Pico. However I find the C SDK not very friendly and I prefer to have something as simple as the Arduino API. I did not want to wait for the official Arduino support – so I started my own project. So far this has been just a Toy Project, but with the addition of SPI, we can now take on some more complex Arduino projects. In order Read more…

Bringing Order into my Microcontroller Chaos

I had too many micro controllers and sensors and I wanted to have simple box where I can put them and easily find my modules again. This is the perfect use case for 3D printing: Of cause the modules and micro controllers come in different sizes so the design needed to reflect this. It is written in OpenSCAD, so you can adjust it yourself, if you want to optimize the dimensions for your specific case… Read more…

Octoprint with Docker

Im using Octoprint for my Ender3 on a old Linux 32 bit machine. Unfortunately I was running into problems after a release upgrade of Ubuntu and so I finally decided that it is time to use Octoprint as a Docker image, so that I have the possibility to restore my services easily in the future. For some strange reasons the official Octoprint on Docker Hub is only supporting 16 bit on ARM but not 16 Read more…

TinyUSB a simple Tutorial

Introduction Most Microcontrollers have a built in Serial USB functionality that can not be changed (e.g. ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino Nano etc). Some Microcontrollers however allow to (re-)progam the USB functionality (e.g. Raspberry Pico, ESP32-S2, seeeduino xiao etc) and TinyUSB is the project of choice for this. A Microcontroller can either act as USB host or as device. In this blog I will concentrate on the USB device functionality, because this is where the library shines. Read more…

The Arduino Pico as USB-Midi Device

I am quite enthusiastic about the new Raspberry Pico. However I find the C SDK not very friendly and I prefer to have something as simple as the Arduino API. I did not want to wait for the official Arduino support – so I started my own project. The last couple of days I tried to wrap my head around the TinyUSB Midi support in order to provide some simple C++ class to use the Read more…

Using Arduino Libraries on the Pico

I am quite enthusiastic about the new Raspberry Pico. However I find the C SDK not very friendly and I prefer to have something as simple as the Arduino API. I did not want to wait for the official Arduino support – so I started my own project. So the question is, can we use any Standard Arduino Libraries with this and the answer is yes we can! We just need to use a little Read more…

Implementing Arduino tone() for the Rasperry Pico

I am quite enthusiastic about the new Raspberry Pico. However I find the C SDK not very friendly and I prefer to have something as simple as the Arduino API. I did not want to wait for the official Arduino support – so I started my own project. In order to implement the Arduino tone() I first provided an version which was based on the PWM functionality. After some more thoughts I decided that it Read more…