Investor and Edgar

In this document we demonstrate how to use the Edgar Database for the selection of the stocks into a portfilio with the help of the Investor library. This functionality is using the Edgar Webservice which is based on the data which is available on Setup We add the necessary Read more…

Investor – Forecasting

Forecasting The longer you look back, the farther you can look forward. (Winston Churchill) Forecastig of the development of stocks is quite a challangning task with uncertain outcome. We currently support the following approaches: – Forecast based on History – Arima Setup %classpath config resolver maven-public %classpath add mvn Read more…

Investor – Selection of Stocks into a Portfilio

Selection of Stocks into a Portfilio In the current document we show how you can pick the best stock and strategy combinations out of a big collecion from a universe. Setup Import Libraries %classpath config resolver maven-public %classpath add mvn ch.pschatzmann:investor:0.9-SNAPSHOT %classpath add mvn ch.pschatzmann:jupyter-jdk-extensions:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT Imports // our stock Read more…